Sunday, February 23, 2014


With the launch of the PS4, Sony brought us an indie 2.5 dimensional sidescrolling shooter...Resogun! For all intents and purposes, this blog is about three months late, however it is now that I finally was able to dive into this game. All I can say is "wow!"

Now that be some particles!!!
This game is absolutely beautiful in so many ways and really showcasses the PS4's ability to render thousands of particles on screen...and this game has a lot of particles! The overall game is simple sidescroller shooting fair, save the humans from the invading enemy, while dodging the barrage of fire which tests your hand eye coordination to the fullest. Resogun borrows many ideas from past games [most noted to me was Galaga Legions] but it also feels original.

 The controls are very intuitive as you'd expect from this genre and the level of difficulty progresses nicely as you advance. At first I was finding it almost too easy, but none too soon I was in familiar territory of watching my ship explode into hundres of light particles. This game is a blast to play, and there is good reason it is loved by almost all who've played it.

 I don't think there was a more played title at PS4's launch than this little gem, at least from a word of mouth tally. As I mentioned in my Strider View, games like this do not come too often, but when they do, they are so enjoyable and refreshing. Coming from a generation that cut their teeth on arcades where we paid quaters to play games like this and seeing their slow demise from mainstream gaming, it gives me hope towards an industry that I feel is getting stale.

Skill, determination and focus is what it takes to play this game, and a keen eye for all things graphicly awesome! Resogun is just what we needed during a dry time of game choices at the start of a new console's life. This game is an instant classic in my book and you really owe it to yourself to try it out!

theFuu score: *****5/5

Saturday, February 22, 2014


These days it isn't too often we get a retro style, 2.5D action sidescroller, let alone it be good. The last ones I really recall enjoying were Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Omega Five [arguable on the latter by some]. It almost seemed as if we would never get a decent game again, as the first person shooters and rpgs have monopolized the ADD consumer and therefore the minds of the publishers as to what they're willing to spend money on to make for them.

Then there is good old Capcom, who drops us a new reboot to Strider, one of my all-time favorite action games of the early 1990's in the arcade and at home on my Sega Genesis. Those were the days I tell you, and this game brings back all those feelings again. I don't like to do "reviews" per say, but rather give my view on how this game made me feel...and it's good! 

One of the tough mini boss battles

The music, art style and animations of Hiryu [the main character and protagonist of our game] are a definite throwback to the original game, making this game feel so nostalgic to me. It's a sidescroller, so you move either to the right or left and sometimes up or down in the levels as you progress. The enemies come at you in droves and you try to survive and NOT die!!! This game can be tough, especially on the most difficult setting, and that is a huge plus in my book. I am so tired of games being so easy and just re-spawning or starting from a checkpoint right where I left off. Here the challenge lies in learning how your enemy's patterns...which I have always felt is easier to convey in 2D games than 3D.

Jumping is again a timed perfection you earn
Jumping and attacking are the main focus, and as the game progresses this gets tougher to pull off without error. The controls are really tight and pulling off some attack/jumping combox is really satisfying. The game is also tough too. I've played it on the hardest setting and found it enjoyable to play a game that I die alot in. I just can't say how much fun [and frustration] I had playing this game and cannot wait for either a sequel or the next 2.5 dimensional game to come our way and woo us again. 

With technology as advanced as it is, sometimes it's wise to take a step back and utilize what you've learned to take a great way to create games and make it better than ever, instead of forgetting about it. 

For now though, Hiryu is back and Capcom did not disappoint me at all [OK...maybe I really wanted that cyber dragon to be made up of a bunch of soldiers pulling of a Voltron]. This game has show me that you can take an old franchise and refresh it for today's standards and give some young blood a taste of what gaming was like, without having to bear through the harsh reality of time that most games do not stand the test of. Now if we only can get a proper CastlevaniaMetroid or Shinobi at this kind of care and detail, life will be good!

theFuu score: *****5/5

Ahhhh...the return of the cartwheel jump!!